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Sponges Quiz

When you think about sponges, you might find yourself imagining items used for housecleaning. The truth is that sponges are actually amazing creatures that play a vastly important role in keeping the marine environment fresh and clean. What’s the maximum depth that sponges have been located? Which types of sponges are most common in polar regions? What happens to a sponge when it is fragmented? These are just some of the questions you’ll find yourself answering when you take this sponges quiz. Just a bit challenging, it is designed to appeal to scuba divers, marine biology students, and others who are interested in marine conservation. With 25 multiple choice questions, it is sure to give your brain a workout while increasing your knowledge of sponges.

Attempts allowed:Unlimited
Pass rate:60 %
Backwards navigation:Allowed
  • Marine Life
  • Sponges
Keywords: scuba quizzes, marine life, sponges Author:
Related Tags: Scuba Quizzes