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Three Things You Need To Know About The Ocean

You're great with buoyancy control, good at buddy breathing, and super awesome at making giant stride entries.  That's fantastic!  Now, for something different.  Did you know that the oceans cover a little over 70% of Earth's surface?  And, did you know that about 95% of the ocean floor is unexplored?  Here, we'll take a look at three concepts everyone needs to understand - and share - in order to live a better, healthier life.  

Healthy Life Depends on Healthy Oceans 

In the past, scientists didn't recognize how deeply intertwined all life on earth  really is.  Now we know that water connects all things.  It is life's circulatory system.  When oceans are healthy, life is healthy - and so are world economies.  When oceans are ailing, life suffers - and so do world economies.  What we do to the oceans, we do to each other, and to all life that exists, everywhere.  It's that simple.

Most Life on Earth is Contained in the Sea

Most people think about "life" as the things they see around them every day.  Maybe that's their families, their pets, their friends, and their society.  It's the daily challenges they face - jobs, and school, and relationships; poverty, war, and crime.  But look at life from a global perspective, and all that changes.  The majority of the oxygen you breathe is generated by little photosynthetic plants living in the ocean.  There are species yet to be discovered, and they're all intertwined.  When we destroy the ocean, we're cutting our own lifeline.  When we let others destroy the ocean by standing by with our mouths closed, we sign our own death warrants. 

There are Two Simple Explanations for the Ocean's Problems 

It's true!  The biggest problems with seas and oceans worldwide fall into one of two categories.  First, we put things in the ocean that don't belong there.  Garbage, and toxins.  Second, we take things out of the oceans that ought to be left in place.  Plants and animals need to be managed more carefully, or we'll find ourselves without a leg to stand on.  All nations take fish, but there are limits that need to be put into place.  In our lifetimes, we've seen not only the destruction of cetaceans, but the destruction of pelagic species - swordfish, sailfish, and even tuna are becoming harder to find.  So are halibut, herring, cod, and flounder.  Worst of all, 90% of the world's shark population has been depleted.  

The good news is that it's not just members of the scientific community who are pushing for greater understanding about the important role the oceans play in all our lives.   Divers, water sports enthusiasts, and people from all walks of life are spreading the news that no matter who you are, and no matter where you live, you're deeply, intimately connected to the world's oceans.   We're living in a time when it' easier than ever to make a difference, and to share the information we have with one another.  It's not too late to clean up the oceans and bring life back into balance.  There are plenty of reasons to be hopeful - all we need to do is act on the knowledge we have gained. 

Post date: Category:
  • Lists
  • Conservation
Keywords: lists, facts about the ocean, healthy life, healthy oceans, life in the sea, garbage, toxins, plants, animals Author: Related Tags: JGD Blog