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How do elasmobranchs reproduce?

Elasmobranches reproduce via internal fertilization of the eggs rather than external fertilization.  They tend to produce fewer, but better developed young than other fish do and they reach sexual maturity later as elasmobranches in general tend to mature more slowly than other fish.  There are three ways in which sharks bear their young.  The first way is called ovoviviparity and consists of the eggs hatching inside the mother and the embryo growing and being nourished by the remainder of the yolk and fluids from the mother.  These sharks are born live and ready to function.  The second means is called oviparity, which is the way most fish do it by laying eggs in the water.  The third way is called viviparity, in which the mother shark is connected to the embryo via placenta and the young are born live.  Rays give birth to live young, much as sharks do and skates lay egg cases from which their young hatch.

  • Marine Life
  • Elasmobranchs
Keywords: scuba diving faqs, marine life, elasmobranchs, elasmobranches, elasmobranch reproduction Author:
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