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How do nudibranchs defend themselves?

Nudibranchs have many defenses, which is warranted considering the fact that they have soft bodies and no shells.  The bright color of the nudibranchs often works as a warning to predators that the nudibranch is very poisonous or at the very least does not taste good.  In addition to this, the bright colors help to camouflage the nudibranchs so that they are not easily visible to those animals that would prey on them.  Finally, and maybe the best defense that nudibranchs have is that some of them can sting!  That's right, nudibranchs have in their diet many stinging animals, such as jellyfish and anemones.  When they eat these creatures’ stinging tentacles their bodies actually incorporate the nematocyst cells (the ones that sting) into their own skin and tentacles, giving them additional protection.

  • Marine Life
  • Nudibranchs
Keywords: scuba diving faqs, marine life, nudibranchs, nudibranches, nudibranch defense mechanisms Author:
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