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Gastropods Quiz

When you think of gastropods, you might think of humble little creatures many consider pests, or you may think of some of the most colorful and intriguing animals inhabiting the oceans. Gastropods are numerous – and they play vital roles in keeping marine and aquatic habitats healthy. About how many gastropod species are there? Where are shelled gastropods’ internal organs located? What is a gastropod’s radula used for? These are just a few of the questions you’ll find yourself answering when you take this fun gastropods quiz. Designed for scuba divers, marine biology students, and others who are interested in marine animals, it contains 25 multiple choice questions that pose somewhat of a challenge while helping you to increase your knowledge of the gastropod family.

Attempts allowed:Unlimited
Pass rate:60 %
Backwards navigation:Allowed
  • Marine Life
  • Gastropods
Keywords: scuba quizzes, marine life, gastropods Author:
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