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Scuba Gear: Buy Online Or From A Retail Store

So you have started diving or maybe you have done it a few times and really want to get more serious about it.  You are considering buying your own equipment, but is that really better than renting it?  Well, for the serious diver yes it is.  Having your own equipment means using the same equipment every time you dive and that means consistency.  This, in turn, means that you will become a better diver faster.  Think about golfing.  If you are learning how to golf and you use a different set of clubs every time you go, you will have to adjust to the feel of the clubs each time before you can really get into your game.  It is the same with diving equipment, but with one very important difference.  Diving equipment is life support equipment and you should not mess around when it comes to life saving devices.

Of course, you can buy scuba equipment in a retail store and online.  The question is, which is better.  As long as the seller is an authorized dealer (we'll talk more about this later), there is no harm in either.  However, unless you know your equipment inside and out, you are better off going to a store, especially if you are buying scuba equipment for the very first time.  This way you can try the equipment on and talk to a dive professional face-to-face about the equipment.  If you do shop online, you will have to ensure that you know who you are dealing with and exactly what you wish to purchase.  There are many reputable scuba dealers who have stores in both the brick and mortar world and online and there are many online stores that have experienced divers ready to assist you.  However, there are some online stores in which the person you will deal with is not a dive equipment expert or even a diver and this means that the person simply cannot tell you why one piece of equipment is better than another or recommend the right equipment for you.  Essentially, this means that you need to be extra careful when shopping online.  When you are in a dive shop or retail store, it is far easier to check that the person serving you is a diver and that the person knows the equipment.

Once you have checked things out thoroughly at a dive shop, you will know what equipment to buy hands down.  You will know all the latest technology, which does change at a fairly rapid pace.  You can ensure a good fit for a wetsuit, dive mask, flippers, and anything else you need.  Even if you think you can get it cheaper from an online source, you should check them out in a dive shop first in order to ensure that you know what you need to buy.  

When ordering your equipment online or in a dive shop you must ensure that you are purchasing it from an authorized dealer.  This is probably the most important thing to be aware of.  If you purchase any dive equipment from a dealer who is not authorized by the manufacturer, then you risk not having a valid warranty for your equipment.  Only when you purchase from an authorized dealer will you receive a valid warranty.  Even if one store gets a piece of equipment from another store and sells it to you, if they weren't authorized to sell it, they may not be able to service it if it needs repair.

When it comes to the specifics of what gear to buy, especially the pieces that are directly related to your breathing and safety underwater; then it is best to purchase one of major brand names simply because they are often a higher quality product than lesser known manufacturers just entering the dive industry. Even more important is the fact that the equipment can be serviced just about anywhere you travel because there is a high likelihood of finding dealers that are authorized to service it; all diving equipment should be serviced on a regular basis to ensure that it remains safe and functional.

Remember folks, we are talking about diving equipment.  Equipment that is made to ensure that you can survive underwater.  Equipment that will ensure that you can breathe.  Your life literally depends on this equipment and while you can cut corners with your golf clubs and suffer a slightly less than stellar game, you cannot cut corners with your dive equipment or you just might lose your life.  You need to be sure that the equipment fits you properly, that it is under warranty, that the company is reliable and will stay in business for the long run, and that you don't waste your money buying something that does not fit right, is of low quality, or cannot be serviced when needed.  Take great care in choosing your dive equipment because you will need to rely on it and you want to be sure that you can enjoy diving without worrying if your equipment will keep you safe.

  • Dive Gear
  • Basics
Keywords: dive gear, basics, scuba gear, diving equipment, scuba equipment, shop online, retail store, local dive shop Author: Related Tags: Technical Articles