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Underwater Pool Photography: Hone Your Skills And Take Interesting Photos

If you're like many recreational divers, you probably don't get to go diving as often as you might like.  Just like everything else in life, underwater photography is a skill that needs to be practiced and maintained for consistent good results.  That's why practicing underwater photography in a swimming pool is a very good idea.  You can photograph people, objects, and even pets in some cases, all in comfortable, clear water.  Here are some tips to help you get started.

Benefits of Shooting Photos in a Pool 

Besides the benefit of actually improving your underwater photography skills between vacations and not spending the first few days of your hard-earned holiday re-learning how to use your camera underwater, there are some other benefits.  You can do it as often as you like, so long as you have regular access to a swimming pool, and you might even be able to make a little extra income by selling underwater portraits and artistic shots.  Fabrics and other materials take on entirely new aspects when submerged - just remember, whatever you bring into the pool should be able to withstand any pool chemicals used. 

Things to Try 

Be creative!  Try using different props, having your models do wardrobe changes, and even creating different backgrounds.  Work with your subjects on their facial expressions and try to get them to keep their eyes open since the human eye takes on even more beautiful color underwater. 

Try pool lights too; while your local pool might not have colored lights, you can add them to your own pool very easily and without a lot of expense.  There are many different types available with different settings and color combinations that can really enhance your photos.

Getting Started 

You don't even need to wear scuba gear to practice your underwater photography skills in a pool, unless you're concerned about working on buoyancy control at the same time.  All you need is a wide angle underwater camera setup, the ability to hold your breath while taking photos, and a place to shoot, plus some subjects to work with.  Add one or two strobes to your camera, and if you want to add color without adding pool lights, you can create color effects by making colored filters to fit over a pair of slave strobes.  You can mount them on a tripod in the pool if you like, or place them above the water or behind the subject for interesting backlighting effects.  

Remember to keep your subjects safe.  If you're photographing kids, you are definitely going to need a helper or two, and if someone is wearing a big costume underwater, he or she will probably need some help getting in and out of the pool.  The best people to photograph are those who feel confident and at home in the water.  

Last, but not least, remember to have fun, and if any of your subjects are planning to wear makeup (a great idea for enhancing eyes and adding expression) be sure it is waterproof! There is no limit to creativity, and everyone who participates is sure to have a good time.  When vacation time comes back around, don't be surprised if you take some truly amazing photos, thanks to all the practice you were able to get in at home.  

  • UW Photography
Keywords: uw photography, underwater photography, uw photographers, underwater photographers, underwater models, underwater pool photography, uw photo tips, uw photo skills, uw photos Author: Related Tags: Technical Articles