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Diving Carriacou's Sister Rocks: Mystique And Magic

Carriacou Island is the largest of the Grenadines, encompassing just 34 square kilometers.  In 1991, the last time a census of the island was taken, there was a population of just 4,595 people.  With natural harbors, coral reefs, and lovely little offshore inlets, it also boasts the Sister Rocks, a group of three huge rocks that rise above the surface.   Surrounded by an untouched coral reef, this little area offers some exceptional diving.  Let’s take a look at just three of the sites around the Sister Rocks.     


An incredible underwater landscape awaits at Mystique, which features a splendid coral covered wall, huge sponges in vibrant colors, and marine life galore.  While the current picks up on occasion and allows for a drift, this is normally a very relaxing site.  The wall descends to meet the ocean floor at a depth of thirty meters, and along the way, you’ll see masses of lobsters, lots of crabs, and plenty of shrimp, plus moray eels, groupers, gobies, leaf fish, and pipefish, not to mention an entire kaleidoscope of reef fish.  Watch for small reef sharks and barracudas out in the blue, along with huge swathes of blue lined and yellowtail snapper.  Keep an eye out for turtles, as well.  As with the other dives around the Sister Rocks, Mystique is suitable for experienced divers only. 


Called “Circles” because one can take a circular route that leads around the Big Sister and Little Sister, this site is simply fantastic; not only for its colorful abundance of coral and sponge, but for its amazing look at the geologic structure of the sisters themselves. On occasion, when conditions are calm, your divemaster may lead you across the channel, where you will see masses of pelagic fish and perhaps even sharks or dolphins.  Nearer the sisters, expect to encounter lots of crustaceans, plenty of reef fish, and some sleek barracuda.  Depths vary, with maximum depth at about 30 meters – much depends on conditions and which direction you’re led in. 

Deep Blue

Steep, and covered in a mantle of sponge, coral, sea fans, and twirling sea whips, Deep Blue is a fantastic wall dive.  A favorite with local divers, it drops straight down to meet the seabed 40 meters below, where the black coral is fantastic.  All along the wall, expect to encounter butterfly fish and Moorish idols, a few different varieties of angelfish, purple Creole wrasse, and other colorful fish.  Watch for crabs, lobsters, and other crustaceans, and back up in the shallows, massive heads of star coral shelter nurse sharks, stingrays, and some gigantic lobsters.  Watch for turtles and barracuda, too!    

In addition to these sites, the Sisters Rocks feature a fantastic cave with a hidden air pocket – if conditions are good, you’ll be able to enter and get a view of the reef from a whole different perspective.  Visibility here tends to be excellent, sometimes reaching forty meters, and currents tend to be strong.  Bring your camera, and expect to be completely captivated. 

  • Caribbean
  • Grenada
Keywords: caribbean dive sites, grenada dive sites, carriacou island dive sites, sister rocks dive sites, mystique, circles, deep blue Author: Related Tags: Travel Articles