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Which items can I place in my featured listings carousel?

Your featured listings carousel may contain up to 5 featured listings. You may include any bookable items in carousel such as scuba packages, dive trips, scuba diving courses, and non-diving tours. This feature is available to self and managed business plan subscribers.

Follow these steps to add bookable items to your featured listings carousel:  Login to your account, click the "My Account" link at the top right, then select the "My Business Listings" tab.  Choose the bookable item from the list of business listings.  Once you are on the details page for a scuba package, dive trip, scuba diving course, or non-diving tour, click the "Feature" link above the main photo for your listing. 

Follow these steps to remove bookable items from your featured listings carousel:  Login to your account, click the "My Account" link at the top right, then select the "My Business Listings" tab.  Choose the bookable item from the list of business listings.  Once you are on the details page for a scuba package, dive trip, scuba diving course, or non-diving tour, click the "UnFeature" link above the main photo for your listing. 

  • Business Partners
  • Getting Started
Keywords: help, business accounts, business partners, getting started, business plans, business subscriptions, business plan features, business directory listing, diving directory listing, business directory features, diving directory features, featured listings carousel, carousel Author:
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