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trade shows

Have you ever attended a SCUBA show?

Yes, I attend shows as often as I can
13% (2 votes)
Yes, but not often
25% (4 votes)
Yes, and I wasn’t impressed
31% (5 votes)
No, because I am not interested
6% (1 vote)
No, because I haven’t had the opportunity
25% (4 votes)
Total votes: 16
  • Dive Industry
Related Tags: Scuba Polls

How do you buy most of your dive gear?

I always support my local dive shop
4% (1 vote)
I buy some items locally and others online
30% (8 votes)
I don’t have a preference, I just buy whatever is cheapest
33% (9 votes)
I prefer to buy scuba gear at trade shows
22% (6 votes)
I buy everything online
11% (3 votes)
Total votes: 27
  • Dive Gear
Related Tags: Scuba Polls
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