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Where do elasmobranchs live?

Elasmobranches can be found in all oceans around the world, but not in the arctic waters of the extreme north and south.  Sharks live in both warm tropical waters and the colder waters further north and generally occupy water in the temperature range of 12-21 C (53-70 F), although they can live in water as cold as 4 C (39 F) and as warm as 28 C (82 F).  Rays and skates also live in all oceans of the world as well and while most are benthic, some are pelagic.  There are a few species of rays that are able to live in fresh water, such as the Atlantic stingray, which lives in the St. Johns River waterway in Florida and in various lakes and inland rivers.

  • Marine Life
  • Elasmobranchs
Keywords: scuba diving faqs, marine life, elasmobranchs, elasmobranches, sharks, rays, skates Author:
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