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Making The Most Of Dive Travel

As divers, we're among the luckiest people on the face of the planet. We get to enjoy our favorite sport in all kinds of places, and we get to see things most people can only dream about.  Nevertheless, there are a few things you can do to enhance your travel experience and enjoy it even more. Here, we'll share a few tips for making the most of your dive holiday. 

Have Realistic Expectations 

While photos in travel brochures are lovely, and while dive charters do their best to portray local dive sites in the most flattering light possible, negative things can, and do, happen while you're on vacation, in the same way they happen at home.  Lousy service happens, and so do traffic problems, plumbing problems, mixups, and all sorts of other snafus.  Most vacations go off without a hitch, but sometimes, things happen.  Fostering a positive attitude and cultivating a good sense of humor can help you withstand even the worst problems.

Be Prepared

Learn all you can about your destination before beginning your journey. Yes, you want to know about the diving environment, but you also want to know about local culture, customs, history, and more. Be sure to pack carefully, and to check and double check that you've got all your ducks in a row. Be sure your travel insurance is up to date, as well.  Remember to create a "B" plan for handling unforeseen circumstances like illness, rotten weather, flight cancellations, and other problems.

Ensure You're Properly Trained

Be sure your dive skills are up to par, and ensure you're ready to handle known challenges that exist at the dive sites on your itinerary. Now is a good time to take an Advanced or Rescue course, or to learn to dive in overhead environments, get a wreck diver certification, or take a Nitrox or Tec Trimix course.  Kick things up a notch before you go - you'll be glad you did.  In addition, don't overlook the opportunity to take unique courses at various places you visit.

Ensure Gear is Ready

Be sure your gear is up to date with inspections and maintenance, and ensure you've got everything you need before you head out the door.  Check out our packing tips for more information on how to ensure your dive gear is good to go, and don't forget to check your local dive shop for new items that could be helpful during your travels.  Do remember to pack light, and if you're concerned that you may be bringing too much, see whether there are items you can rent once you're at your destination.

Speaking of Destinations...

Today, there are more dive destinations available than ever before, and better dive infrastructure than ever before, too.  Do you want to visit an underwater park, filled with sunken aircraft and old mining equipment?  What about a famous shipwreck or an artificial reef?  Do you want to meet whale sharks, manta rays, or other marine life?  And, do you want to do land-based diving, or would you rather try a liveaboard?  Spend some of your downtime planning for your "big" annual diving trips. 

Finally, remember that it's not just the destination that matters.  The journey itself can be a great adventure. No matter where you go, and no matter how you get there, ensuring you approach it with an open mind and a smile on your face can make all the difference in the world. 

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  • Travel Tips
Keywords: travel tips, set realistic expectations, be prepared, be properly trained, ensure gear is ready, research your destination Author: Related Tags: JGD Blog