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Hidden Reef Creatures And How To Find Them

Diving a splendid coral reef is always a treat, and sometimes it can be hard to tear your eyes away from the reef’s more colorful inhabitants to look for some of those reef occupants that can be harder to find.  Often incredibly fascinating to watch as they go about their business, be it preying on other animals or escaping predation to live another day, these animals come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors.  Slow down, and let your eyes adjust; we’re about to look for some interesting reef creatures. 


Lumpy, bumpy fish that usually rest on the bottom, the Stonefish can deliver a powerfully venomous sting if accidentally stepped on or touched, providing just one more reason to always keep your hands and feet to yourself while exploring a coral reef.   Usually camouflaging itself by taking on a grey, mottled color that blends right in with the bottom, the fish can also take on a brown to orange hue while in a more colorful setting, blending in with corals and sponges.  They are common in Australia and throughout the Indo-Pacific, as well as in other reef environments worldwide. 


Absolute masters of disguise, octopus are some of the most fascinating creatures on the reef.  There are about 300 different octopus species, ranging from minuscule to very large, each of which uses a number of tactics to disguise itself.  These creatures are capable of cramming themselves into very tight spaces, plus they have the amazing ability to take on the same color and even some of the texture of their surroundings.  To find a hidden octopus, let your eyes relax and watch carefully for a pulsating movement or watch for water movement around the animal as it breathes.  When you stop to think about how many octos you might have passed up as you enjoyed watching more obvious creatures, you might start to feel just a bit dismayed! 


There are several different species of frogfish, some of which are very brightly colored and super easy to spot. Others, though, are almost impossible to see, thanks to the fact that they blend into their surroundings, basically hiding in plain sight.  These fish often look just like stones covered in algae, and they use a special organ to lure smaller fish in close so they can consume them in a single gulp.

Leaf Fish and Scorpion Fish 

Ambush predators that look just like leaves floating in the ocean, these creatures are very hard to spot unless they are schooling.  Often encountered en masse along shipwrecks and sea mounts, as well as at pinnacle sites and in other areas where food is plentiful, they are very hard to see when they are on their own.  Like many other well-disguised sea creatures, they often pack a powerful sting that will make you wish you had better impulse or buoyancy control.  

These are only a few of the most commonly encountered creatures which do a good job of hiding themselves in plain sight.  Learn about the creatures that inhabit the sites you dive to find out what you should be watching for, then prepare to be amazed.

  • Marine Life
  • Basics
Keywords: marine life, basics, hidden reef creatures, stonefish, octopus, frogfish, leaf fish, scorpion fish Author: Related Tags: Technical Articles