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Why Choosing Rainforest Alliance Products Matter

Rainforests are living, breathing ecosystems with a direct connection to the oceans.  Healthy rainforests are a necessity for life on this planet, yet huge swathes of forest are eliminated each day to make room for unsustainable agricultural crops.  If you've spent much time reading our blog, you know SDTN feels every choice is an important one.  Here, we'll take a look at one way you can help rainforests, the oceans, and some of the most marginalized people on the planet, all at once.

About Rainforest Alliance Products 

Agricultural expansion.  It's responsible for seventy percent of global deforestation, and of all threats to tropical forests combined, it is the greatest.  In these regions, responsibility for water pollution, soil erosion, and wildlife habitat destruction can be laid squarely at the feet of agricultural project managers.  

The Rainforest Alliance works to put a stop to the destruction by encouraging farmers to manage their ranchlands and grow their crops sustainably.  Certification is coveted - and it's built on the three basic pillars of environmental sustainability and stability: environmental protection, social justice, and economic viability.  The Rainforest Alliance doesn't just encourage farmers to become certified; instead, they help them to improve along the way.

To receive certification, farmers are independently audited and guided toward sustainability.  Once standards are met, the farms are awarded the prestigious Rainforest Alliance Certified seal of approval, which is prominently placed on labels once products are offered for sale.  Some guiding principles include:

  • Water Conservation and Waterway Protection
  • Worker health and safety
  • Workers must have the right to organize
  • No Child Labor
  • Wildlife Conservation
  • Limited Use of Agro Chemicals as necessary; Organic methods preferred

Over the years, many private foundations, governmental agencies, companies, and individual members have contributed time, knowledge, and energy to the Rainforest Alliance.   The Alliance also works in concert with the Fair Trade program; whether you are looking for furniture, clothing, or just a bottle of vanilla extract, look for either the Fair Trade logo or the Rainforest Alliance Frog if what you're buying is sourced from a nation where people and environmental resources tend to be exploited in the name of profit.    

Over 100 different types of crops and livestock are currently eligible for Rainforest Alliance certification.  Some favorites include coffee, cocoa, tea, fruits and vegetables, and even hothouse flowers, such as roses sourced from Africa, Asia, Hawaii, and Latin America - in all, 38 countries currently participate.  The majority of Rainforest Alliance Certified farms - over 99%, in fact - are owned by smallholders who are part of organized producer groups. 

When you choose Rainforest Alliance products, you support farmers, farm workers, and farm families while protecting the planet.  Essentially, you're voting with your dollars.  By saying no to products that are not certified and that might cost less right now because their producers are using cheap, unsustainable methods to farm and manufacture them, you're making an investment in the earth's future - and you are making an impact on the planet's health, as well.  Last, but not least, you'll find these products are often of superior quality.  So, enjoy some chocolate, and don't feel guilty about your morning coffee.  By investing in the farmers who produce the things you love, you're making the world a better place. 

Post date: Category:
  • Conservation
Keywords: conservation, rainforests, rainforest alliance products, rainforest conservation, ocean conservation, global deforestation, agricultural expansion, habitat destruction, water pollution, soil erosion, farmers, fair trade program Author: Related Tags: JGD Blog