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Scuba Diving The South Sandwich Islands: An Icy Wonderland

If you long for adventure and feel a thrill course through your veins at the thought of diving where few have ventured before, then a trip to the South Sandwich Islands could be just the thing for you. While the waters surrounding these far-flung islands have barely been explored, the region is home to a stunning array of marine life that exists on a grand scale that’s almost unimaginable. Don your drysuit and come along for a brief look at what awaits at the South Sandwich Islands. 

Eleven Extraordinary Islands

The famous Captain James Cook once found himself near the South Sandwich Islands while searching for the elusive Southern Continent. Confronted by what he termed “Thick fogs, snow storms, intense cold, and every other thing that can render navigation dangerous,” he left the area behind after hastily naming the 240-mile long archipelago in honor of the fourth Earl of Sandwich. Luckily for subsequent explorers, the region is not always so inhospitable. 

The islands are made up of volcanic rocks; covered in brilliant blue glaciers streaked with snow algae in brilliant red and green hues, they are home to an astounding array of living things, both above and below the surface.  Three million chinstrap penguins call the islands home, along with more than 100,000 macaroni penguins, countless soaring seabirds, and a who’s who list of pinnipeds: Fur seals, leopard seals, crab-eater seals, Weddell seals, and southern elephant seals are all near the top of the islands’ krill-based food chain. 

Often, visitors find themselves fighting heavy surge. Penguins attempting to make their way back to their nesting grounds are often bashed against the rocks, arriving home bloodied and exhausted. Endangered Southern Giant Petrels, with their remarkable six-foot wingspans, have an easier time; after diving into the frigid water in search of a meal, they can be seen whooshing back to their rocky perches. Living things – and the struggle for life – are in evidence everywhere you look. Seals can be seen hunting penguins, which in turn zoom through the clear, cold water in search of fish. On the rare occasions when divers can safely explore rocky areas close to shore, brilliant nudibranchs and intriguing flatworms reveal themselves in bright explosions of color that contrast beautifully with the dark-hued rocks. 

Keep in mind that very few boats venture to the South Sandwich Islands, and remember that scuba diving here is all of an exploratory nature. Just finding a charter with a skilled skipper willing to brave the often towering waves that have protected the islands from exploitation in the past can be a challenge, equipping oneself for this expedition is an exacting process, and diving is something else altogether. If icebergs excite you and seasickness is a problem that very rarely troubles you though, this is an adventure to be counted among the pinnacle experiences of your lifetime. Every expedition to the South Sandwich Islands reveals new discoveries, and though each expedition is fraught with peril, nature’s siren song is heard loud and clear by those with the will to face danger head on.

  • South America
  • South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
Keywords: south america dive sites, south georgia and south sandwich islands dive sites, south sandwich island dive sites, cold water diving, ice diving, technical diving Author: Related Tags: Travel Articles