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Relax, Unwind, And Leave Work Behind: Travel Planning For Divers

Most of us have experienced the frustrating inability to relax at a moment's notice.  Depending on what your job is, you probably carry some work-related worries with you most of the time, and those worries can interfere with your ability to relax and enjoy the complete rejuvenation a great vacation brings along with it.  Here then, are some tips for unwinding quickly so you get the most from your dive holiday. 

Remind Yourself What Vacation is For

If you're one of those people who has trouble leaving work stress behind, you'll find it's very helpful to remind yourself that part of the reason for vacation, is to actually improve your work performance once you come back.  Who knows - if you're like a lot of divers, you might even come up with a great idea while you're underwater.  This might have happened to you before - while you're walking, or while you're in the shower.  The reason?  You're relaxed.  The relaxed mind is free to work out tricky problems and find great answers to troublesome questions.  So, if you must find a reason to relax, try this one.  It works for most people. 

Sleep Well and Get Some Exercise

Instead of waiting until the first day of your vacation to unwind, try gradual stress reduction.  You should try to get plenty of exercise and quality sleep on a regular basis, and you should strive for a balanced diet, too - but at no time is this more valuable than in cases when you've got something important on the horizon, such as your vacation.  If you can get your mind and body to begin relaxing before the first day of vacation, half the battle has been won. 

In addition, try meditating for short periods of time.  You'll be amazed at how this can help you relax instantly, and you'll find that if you look online and at smartphone apps, there are plenty of free tools available to help beginners learn how to clear the mind and just let go. 

Eliminate Worries 

Worry is normal.  It's part of everyday life.  Thankfully, worry is something you can control, even if your worries might feel like as runaway train sometimes.  If you're worried about certain issues surrounding work or your trip, don't bury your head in the sand like an ostrich.  Instead, do all you can to get to the root of those worries and eliminate them.  Start by identifying worries.  Make a list of things that are preventing you from relaxing, and then decide what it will take to get those worries out of your head.  Enlist other people to look after things at home and at work, and plan carefully for your vacation.  If you're worried about things you'll encounter while diving, address those fears, and remember that worry is a built-in protection mechanism that's meant to keep us safe.  Are your fears surrounding diving founded?  If so, look into getting more training, or choose easier dive sites.  

Combined, these methods can go a long way toward helping you to relax and unwind before your vacation even begins.  Start practicing now, before vacation time arrives, and once your holiday has come to an end, try to keep that relaxed feeling with you and recapture it as often as possible. You'll find that you'll be able to relax faster, and you'll discover that being more relaxed comes with some great benefits.  So, relax and unwind. You've earned it.      

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  • Travel Tips
Keywords: travel tips, dive travel, travel planning, travel planning tips, dive vacation tips Author: Related Tags: JGD Blog