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dive gear maintenance

Do you maintain some of your own gear, or do you rely on professionals to do it all?

I maintain all of my gear
33% (6 votes)
I maintain some of my gear
44% (8 votes)
I don't trust myself to maintain my gear; I leave it to the pros
22% (4 votes)
Total votes: 18
  • Dive Gear
  • Dive Industry
Related Tags: Scuba Polls

Have you ever used heat sensitive tape to repair a dry suit seal?

Yes, I like tape better than glue.
19% (3 votes)
No, I prefer to use glue.
38% (6 votes)
I was not aware there was an option to use tape. Think I’ll try it!
44% (7 votes)
Total votes: 16
  • Dive Gear
Related Tags: Scuba Polls

How often do you have your regulator serviced?

12% (2 votes)
Every couple of years
29% (5 votes)
29% (5 votes)
More than once per year
29% (5 votes)
Total votes: 17
  • Dive Gear
Related Tags: Scuba Polls
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