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What business plans are available?

Just Gotta Dive offers business plans to satisfy every budget. Our self-service and managed plans are fee-based and share a similar feature set. With our self-service plan, you create and manage your own listings; in our managed service plan, Just Gotta Dive creates and manages your listings for you. Both plans include the ability to list your company in our Diving Directory, become a featured business partner, participate in our Preferred Rewards Program, promote your diving deals in our Scuba Marketplace, track your sales activity and more.   

Review our business plan chart for pricing and a full feature comparison.  Alternatively, you may download and print our promotional brochure using the link below to learn which business benefits available at Just Gotta Dive, compare features available in each of our business plans, and get answers to frequently asked questions about our business plans.

Download File

Download Just Gotta Dive Business Brochure.pdf (14.25 MB) Category:
  • Business Partners
  • Getting Started
Keywords: help, business accounts, business partners, getting started, business plans, business subscriptions Author:
Related Tags: Help